
Monday 4 March 2024

Blossom time


As usual I was up at the crack of eggs with the dawn just opening it's bleary eyes, looking out of the kitchen window is never good, as I see things I want to take a photo of

The tree is opposite our window and the pink blossom was looking glorious

Like I said dawn was showing her bleary head or words to that effect

 A while later she was shining on the tree

This tree I spotted taking my son to work it really shone when I came home, needless to say I went straight around to get a photo. The person who lives there is my Friends Brother in law. I sent a copy to his sister and she sent it to him. The reply was he thought it was spooky because the day before he did the same thing

Glorious blossom

Near the Indian Restaurant another tree was in blossom

But this one stood out

Even the dark clouds set it off

Ok so I used this for skywatch this week but the next three photos I too today on my way home from a  church crawl 

 A swan flew right across my line of vision

Captured on my dash cam

So I cropped a photo for you to enjoy

Happy Skywatch


  1. The beauty of spring is a miracle, I'm glad so many people are enjoying it. There are years that are better for blossoms, and years that are worse, I think you have hit a peak year!

  2. It really is gorgeous and you got such good photos. It is quite showy and I love the blue sky and billowy clouds!

  3. Gorgeous! I am so VERY ready for spring!
    Thanks so much for sharing at

  4. Beautiful blossoms. Looks like spring there.

  5. Interesting collage effect you used with this post.

  6. You seem to be enjoying some blue sky to show off the blossom. I've woken up to yet more pouring rain!

  7. Gorgeous blossoms. I miss the blossoms but hope that they will appear shortly here in our neck of the woods
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  8. Can't wait for our crabapples and cherry trees to start blooming. Remarkable lucky dashcam shot of the swan.

  9. So nice to see all the blossoms. What's up with that crazy swan??

  10. Beautiful! It's my favourite time of year when the blossoms come out.

  11. The trees are blooming here too, or were until the big rains knocked most of the blossoms off. Hope we still get fruit. No pollinators though.

  12. Blossoms and Skies, Skies and blossoms, and then a photobombing swan. You have it all for us.

  13. The late winter/early spring time here in California is just glorious with all the flowering trees in bloom.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  14. That tree is stunning - what a view! Thanks for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot.


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