
Monday 26 February 2024

Minster Lovell Hall


I had heard of Minster Lovell Hall but it  was never somewhere I thought of visiting. Some of the guys I used to work with came from the village. Last week I was visiting St Kenelms church for my blog and noticed that Mister Lovell Hall was next door so I took the time to have a quick look around the place. Minster Lovell Hall is now under the care of English Heritage and is open during reasonable daylight hours to look around.

You literally walk out of the churchyard and you are in the ground of the hall

Wide angle view of the hall remains, the main entrance is blocked off because the ceiling is unsafe

The remaining tower near the River Windrush

The view you normally see in literature on the place

The west end of the hall

A great hall used for entertaining royalty and other dignitary's 

One of the other rooms in the place

the corner which took you to another wing of the building, the old doorway which took you to an upper floor still in place

In the foreground you can see a covered well where they would have drawn water which is a couple of foot below the grate

This I think might have been the entrance to the chapel 

The grand entrance with the intricate ceiling, I managed to get a photo over the top of the fence

View of the hall take with my phone

And one of the church through the ruins

Take care


  1. A fascinating place to visit. I bet it was amazing in its glory days.
    Thanks for sharing at

  2. Wow! That really stimulates the imagination.

  3. wow beautifully done and yes that roof .... I will give it a wide walkaround
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  4. Bom dia, Billy
    É muito bom visitar os lugares, ótimo passeio, um forte abraço.


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