
Tuesday 2 January 2024

Happy New Year


Happy New year everyone, I hope you all had a good Christmas & New year and now things are getting back to normal . Like many of you I went out for a walk on Boxing day the 26th Dec to get over all that excess food we ate. I decided to walk around the village and see if they had finished the new estate

This is it, Poppy Fields not that there will be many of those growing here for a while

The playground is open now, last time I was here it was not, no kids playing today

      Last time I was here it was all fenced off and there was a storage are ahead

First time I have managed to look up this road through the estate

New path on the right old track to the left

Ground water drainage pond

East end named after the old farm which was called East End Farm

Back around to where I took one of my first photos of the place, back then it was just a field
Take Care 


  1. I don't see many kids at all playing in parks around here any more.

  2. I hate to display my ignorance, but why are there all those stakes in the ground? I've never seen that before.
    Thanks for sharing at, and I wish you a happy and healthy 2024!

  3. Attractive new development. No ugly vinyl siding.

  4. Nice walk you had there, Bill. Happy New Year! (NewRobin13)

  5. I love that they have planted so many trees, such a positive step. Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.


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