
Tuesday 30 January 2024

Glastonbury Visit


On our wedding anniversary we though it would be good to revisit one of our favorite  places, Glastonbury

The church is one of the places you cannot help but see in the carpark

The gates were open and so was the church but on this occasion I passed on the opportunity of going in for a quick look around

You cannot help not seeing these places as you walk down the street

We visited the Glasonbury Abbey ruins this part was the chancel

At the end was where the High Altar was but this area in front was where King Arthur and Guinevere were laid to rest after the monks supposedly found them in a Saxon cemetery nearby if anything the found a local chieftain and his wife but it did the trick and brought in the money

This is the crypt in the |Lady Chapel 

And this is what it looks like inside the crypt 

This was taken on the wide setting on my phone and shows the whole abbey ruins
And this is the Abbots Kitchen

This looks up the center of the roof

Panoramic of the kitchen showing three of the hearths, the fourth is behind me.
I'll bring some more photos in another blog
Take Care


  1. Happy anniversary!
    Thanks for sharing at I can see why this could be a favorite place to visit.

  2. Thank you for the nice comment. And of course I'm happy to return the favor. Always a great pleasure, reading here. Happy Anniversary too.

    Thank you for this wonderful post on

    Greetings by Heidrun

  3. I have never been to Glastonbury and I think I'm missing out. Happy belated anniversary.

  4. Happy anniversary! I've never been to Glastonbury. It looks an interesting place. (I went to the festival just once, when I was 18, although technically that's not actually in Glastonbury!)

  5. Happy anniversary! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.


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