
Friday 7 April 2023

Back again


Well after being in hospital for over a week in ICU being looked after I am home again on the care of my wonderful wife Issy. Truth is I don't know what I would do with out her. My sodium levels were so low I could have passed away, Lucky I was looked after well. My bloging is going to suffer for a wile yet especially the Church Explorer where I have to go and visit the church. Hopefully that will be not to far off but I can do Skywatch 

Taken out the bathroom window one evening, the skys looked beautiful
The cloud contrasting the blue sky
with some accents of ping thrown in
The opposite way looking clear
The west the sun going away
Happy Sywatch


  1. Happy Easter Bill, and welcome back!!! Is that apple blossom I can see in one of the Skywatch photos? Still snowbound here :) So glad you are home again and being well looked after.

  2. Welcome home, Bill and welcome back to blogging. I am so glad to know that you are on the road to recovery. It's wonderful that you have such views from your windows to see such lovely skies there. Take care and get well. Thinking of you and Issy.

  3. Glad you are out of the hospital! Take care, rest, and don't worry about blogging until you feel better.

  4. Welcome home, and I love your "window photos" of the sky. Especially the clouds saying which way the wind is blowing.

  5. Good to see you back, and take your time.

    Beautiful skies.

  6. Great sky photos!
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    Happy Easter!

  7. Glad to hear you are back home again and have a wonderful wife to take care of you.
    Pray you make a full recovery.
    God Bless you and Issy.

  8. Hi Bill! OMG ... so sorry to hear about your hospital stay but very happy to hear you're back home now. As always, I love your photography and thank you for sharing. Take it easy, my friend, and don't worry about the blogosphere. Take good care and have a speedy recovery! John

  9. Good that you're back home and I wish you a speedy recovery.

  10. Welcome back, you've been missed. But take it easy, take your time and of course take care.

  11. Yay! I am glad that you are recovering and back home. Beautiful sky photos.

  12. Sounds like a very scary ordeal. Glad you are doing better. Those are beautiful skies!

  13. Look after yourself, Bill. Wishing you well.

  14. Yea! You are back home being taken care of by your wife, Issy. You are the sky master. Glad you are on the mend.

  15. Happy Easter. Good to know that you're out of the hospital. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  16. I hope you had a happy Easter. It must be wonderful to be out of the hospital and being looked after by your wife. Hope you recover soon. Enjoyed your blue skies.

  17. Beautiful shots, as always. i hope you get better quickly!!

  18. Thank you every one for your good wishes, I'm just glad to be home again, hopefully I will get back up and running again soon

  19. So pleased you are now home, do take care.

    All the best Jan

  20. Delighted to hear you are home and I hope you will follow all the medical advice and not be in too much of a rush to get out and about again.


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