
Monday 6 February 2023

A Walk to the Bridge


The other day I took a walk to one of my old haunts Bow Bridge just on the edge of our village 

This was the place I was heading the old road did go here though now it is well overgrown

Overgrown was one thing but the path was blocked by a fallen tree that had not been cleared, it was covered in ivy so I feel that did not help

It was not the only tree succumbing to age and weather

Once you got over the tree you could see it in the distance

The old bridge parapet was still looking good

Looking over at the stream you could see the new bridge in the distance

The old road towards Wallingford now just a footpath were people walked their dogs

Down by the bank of the brook looking at the bridge

Where it flows towards the river Thames about 200 yards away, a few weeks ago I would be up to my waist where I am stood because of all the flooding

The path to the river used to be around here but has moved a few yards to my left  because the path got overgrown.  We did go to the river and found the stream there was getting blocked by fallen trees.

We left it there and went home for tea. I'll come back here again and show you more


  1. That looks like an long and interesting walk. I'm surprised to see all the broken and fallen trees. It'll be interesting to see it in spring. Looking forward to your next visit there.

  2. Too bad the path is so over grown.
    Great pictures.

  3. Looks like a bit of a scramble.

  4. You got your exercise to get there! Thanks for sharing the results of your effforts at

  5. That was an adventurous walk!


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