
Monday 19 December 2022

Frosty Marsh


Last wee it was cold, the coldest |I have known it in years. I cannot remember the  temperature back in the bad winter of 1963 but this year had to be comparable. Most nights the gauge read -4 or 5 even down to -9 but on two nights it got down to under -11 in fact -12.9 was recorded at RAF Benson a few miles away. I thought that during this time I should pop down the River Thames and see if it had frozen at all, I temperatures we had been having gave me a inclining it would. This is what I saw

This is what is now know as Cholsey Marsh, back in Jan 1963 this looked totally different as it was flooded and onto of that totally frozen over, none of this could be see and no trees could be seen.

You could see all the way along the meadow then, the trees have grown up in the last 60 years because there  is no cattle to graze here any more

The hoar frost on the plants make it look as cold as it was

The Thames was not froze more to my surprise, I thought it might have been and I have seen it frozen a few times in my life

The little Stoke side looked not different to the one I was on
The Thames path is in there somewhere

At least a sight tells me it is

The Marsh on the other side

I left the Thames to flow on it's way to the sea

I will wish you all a Merry Christmas


  1. It really is frosty and beautiful there. Lovely photos, Bill. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Very nice, I'm not use to seeing so much snow here, only on the mountains.

  3. Very frosty!

    Cold here dips down past -30.

  4. OOOH that made me shiver! Great captures, although I admit I'm NO winter fan!
    Thanks for sharing at

  5. Oh wow, it is cold there isn't it? We don't have any snow here but it's cooled down quite a bit here. Beautiful pictures.


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