
Monday 17 October 2022

Some of our Trees


I'm begging to get behind on what to post Tuesday so I may well cut down on the photos in the future and only stick to a couple. Today I thought I'd show a few of our trees in the garden

This acer has a long history with us. It was bought at a local supermarket or should I say imposed on us. The supervisor was trying to get rid of some plants that were the last left in the store. The acer was nothing more than a small shoot no one wanted and rather than throw it away she handed it to us for 50p. We took it home and grew it in a pot, planted it out where it nearly died, put it back in a pot and grew it on finally planting it out here a few years ago where it grew to the size you see

This time of year the leaves take on a beautiful colour

Going from green to red

This silver Birch tree was bought earlier this year for this bed we made

The leaves are now turning yellow and I hope it will grow on next year

 Last our little Oak tree, this was a small shoot we noticed growing in one of the flower beds, I dug it up and planted it in a pot where it will stay fro a while longer before I plant it in a bigger one. We have a few more tree which are taller and I'll show them another time

Take care


  1. I love seeing the signs of fall in your garden. Your tree story is wonderful. So many things, if given a chance, will thrive and grow and flourish.

  2. You have captured the turning of the leaves well in graduation.

  3. Lovely!
    My favorite time of year.
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. The tree is doing well. Pretty colors.

  5. You have a nice garden, it's a miniature Acer or a normal growing one?

  6. Beautiful trees. As someone who picks up those kinds of plants from the store, I really enjoyed reading about your Acer plant. It looks so wonderful.


  7. The wonderful colors make the arrival of autumn a lot easier. Great photos.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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