
Monday 26 September 2022

Going Wide


Back in August I changed my RF 16mm fro a new RF 15-30mm zoom lens as I prefer to use the flexibility of  a zoom lens rather than a Prime lens. I took it out for a test run around the village and the local church.

The village green we call the Forty at 15mm

 Same place but zooming in to 30mm

The Angel blowing a trumpet which sadly is long gone but I do remember seeing it

From over the wall in the new churchyard

A couple of crosses in the old churchyard

Towards the church across the graves

From beside one of the crosses

Last one from in front of this cross
I can't complain the results were about what I expected and should be fine the next time I take it into a church to get photos. The reason I went to the churchyard is because I can get close to a cross or headstone and still get a good wide background. In FridaysSkyWatch I will show the ones I took in Wales
Take Care


  1. I find graveyards interesting and you found lots to photograph in that one.

  2. Nice photos. Makes me think I should go to the local cemetery here and take a look around.

  3. So good to see this church up and close! The zoom quality is almost as good as prime these days. Only difference is the weight. I love a light zoom to use.

  4. so exciting getting a new camera. B got me a new FijiFilm last Christmas. I wonder what the oldest grave in that church is from? Are they all Victorian?

  5. Your photos turned out nicely. Old church yards with the ofd gravestones are filled with interesting art to take photos of. Enjoyed yours.


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