
Monday 29 August 2022

A few places in Wallingford


Not really prepared anything this week mainly because it is a Bank Holiday today and have not done anything. I did remember I took my bike to have it checked over as my Son has been riding it to work and on Friday I was informed it was ready to collect. Once I picked it up I rode it around to him to take home and went back to pick my car up

The shop is in here it's called Rides on Air

The more impressive side is here where you can view bikes though the barred window, sad state of affairs when they have to place steel bars on the windows

Not far from where I was stood you can see this shop Wildwood, I must pop in sometime

After dropping of my sons ride home I walked back to my car passing this place a low cost supermarket called Lidl It is a very popular one though I have only ever been in to look around once

Not far from where the carpark was I passed this place, Boughtons Mill which has been converted into flats. The grain lift is the wooden cladded room sticking out. It used to be in operation when I was a kid and a stream runs under the place and I remember going in there buying corn for my dads doves. The place was covered in flour and there was a water wheel tat worked. Not sure if it is still in there but the stream is still there but little water runs through it. The shop used to be on the far right. I always feel it is a shame it was never kept as a going concern, now adays it would be very welcome around here.

Take Care  


  1. Wallingford looks like a lovely place for a walk or bike ride. It's interesting that that building was built over a stream. Makes me wonder if it ever flooded.

  2. Such a nice walk. I'd like to wander around in Wildwood too. The old mill is a great looking old building.

  3. I really like the wildwood shop, I'd be in there exploring the items. Many businesses here in NZ have bars on the windows, society has reached a sad state of affairs.

  4. I'd love to check out that mill - it's really lovely.
    Thanks for sharing at


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