
Monday 6 June 2022

The Blackbird & Friends


I did show you a blackbird a few weeks ago feeding on our doorstep. Since then we have had more in fact around four of five tend to come down for some food. I set my iphone up on a gorillapod and fixed it to a post, put some food nearby then sat down on chair and watched for them to land useing my watch

Rasins make a tasty meal

This looks good

I'll take a few, like a beakfull

I'll just have another
I feel a little full

Down the bottom of the garden I have a niger seed feeder on an pergola, I set my phone up here and again waited by the house to get a photo
It was not long before a goldfinch stopped by

and started feeding

then a fried turned up on the other side

Lets have some more

a lot more

Ah there is my friend on the washing line, a while later they flew off.
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing , InkTorrents 
 Through my Lens  and Pictorial Potpourri you can find all the links in the right hand column
Take Care


  1. For some reason I can't sign in using my Google account, but I had to laugh at the one blackbird trying to imitate a chipmunk by attempting to stuff his cheeks with too much food!
    Thanks for sharing at

    1. I love seeing that blackbird eating the raisins. S/he really liked that snack quite a bit. The finch at the feeder is a true beauty. You see such lovely birds in your yard.

  2. I never thought of giving birds raisins, I must put some out for ours this winter.

  3. Excellent photos of the birds. Must have been fun watching the black bird eating those raisins!!

    1. Even more so when one of them is trying to defend them against 4 others trying to steal them

  4. That is so awesome to have so many gorgeous visitors. Your crafty way of capturing them worked well :)

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!

  5. What a clever way to observe the birds coming into your garden! You well demonstrate that different birds like different food.

  6. I love that setting the phone up like that worked for some great pictures.

  7. It's so nice to feed the birds and then sit and watch for them to come! Love your photos and the Goldfinch is different from the one here in FL. Love the colors!

  8. Beautiful pictures. The Goldfinches are so pretty. Very clever phone set up.

  9. Good idea to get the captures. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Wonderful images of sweet birds


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