
Monday 20 June 2022

A churchyard Walk


I had a few things I could post today but in the end thought I would take you on a walk in a churchyard I visited the other day. In fact I have been here twice, fist time I could only go around the outside of the church the second I went inside as it was open. As I had time to spare I took another walk around the churchyard which as you will see is not quite what you think it would look like.

This was taken 6 weeks previous to my visit, the grass was long which you find in a lot of churchyards

The next tome I came it was really long and you could not see the gravestones but they had cut paths to walk along

Over on the fences you can make out the drawing of a fox

some where over there is a drawing of a badger

Near the entrance a notice that explains all and what you can see

I found walking around it quite peaceful and tranquil under the tree canopy

The churchyard runs along the side of the church as well, I might add the north side of the church the grass is cut but then that is near the roadside

The trees you can see in the churchyard

and the Bees

who were busy, I've seen beehives in other churchyards

One of the graves which is in the under growth and like a lot of others forgotten about. Most churchyards now have areas that have been left to nature and the graves are really old and forgotten. Littlemore church has taken it a bit further and created a nature reserve which is a little haven in Oxford
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing , InkTorrents 
 Through my Lens  and Pictorial Potpourri you can find all the links in the right hand column
Take Care


  1. Churchyards can be very productive and unofficial nature reserves. I've found flycatchers, Tawny Owls, Nuthatches, Badgers, Jays. Blackcaps and more in recent years. But I always feel slightly odd walking around with binoculars.

    1. I usually have a camera with me but you do see a fair bit of wildlife in them

  2. I find churchyards to be very peaceful places. Do churches over there get maintained by local councils or do people privately look after them?

    1. Mostly Councils but people do look after the family plots most of the time

  3. I like that so much!

    We were told in one of our naturalist meetings that churchyards are areas in which native plants are often found.

    1. They do get a lot of plants growing in them some more than others

  4. What a lovely walk.
    The cemeteries where I walk are kept neat and tidy.

    1. I have noticed that in your blog and others showing cemeteries in the US, some are well maintained here but on the whole they leave areas for nature

  5. It was, I felt like sitting there and just passing the time

  6. Serene to be sure! I love exploring church yards.

  7. I don't think I've ever seen a cemetery here in the US that was overgrown. It's kind of peaceful looking though and I like the thought of having nature out there have a place to be free like that.


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