
Monday 11 April 2022

Oxford Business Park


 An odd place to visit I must admit but on Sunday I had to take my lad there fro a scan at a mobile unit based at one of the buildings there. I knew where the park was and remembered the old Morris factory that used to occupy the site. As I was going to he hanging about for a while I went off for a walk to see what was around. I'll be starting at the Garsington Road where I walked to.

This looks across the road towards the business park.

And this was the building behind me. I'd gone there thinking that there would be Bikes on show and sale there but no it the main office

This is the obelisk on the roundabout marking the City of Oxford

Far as I know this was the old pressed steel site where all the car body shells were made, now the main building you see is the Harley Davidson HQ
The road in to where I was going , the building opposite if a restaurant

 This stone is a commemoration of Sir Michael Heseltine opening the site

 It sits in a green between a couple of Ponds

Road through the park called John Smith Drive which I suspect was named in his honour as he died in May 1994 and the park was opened in October. The UK lost a person who would have mad e brilliant PM.

This is where I was going a place that was used by the NHS 

I also went to see this building which looked interesting though I could not find who has the place.

This place was next door though

This is the main HQ for Oxfam so if you want to know where you money goes when you donate well In my opinion most of it goes to running this place and paying wages and is one of the reasons I will not give to big charities like this.

 On my was back I met my son coming out of the scanner unit

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing at I hope your son's scan brought you good news.

    1. We already know the problem so it is what they decide next in Treatment

  2. The places you shared were so pretty especially the pond with the Waterfall which I wish I could visit. Have a nice week.

  3. Once these business parks are landscaped the modern buildings look better. I like the pond and waterfall. I hope your son's scan result brings good news.

    1. There are two ponds an waterfalls but the sun shone on both of them so I could not get a photo. He has MS so the monitor the situation to adjust treatment. He seems to have a scan each year then goes to see the consultant to see what treatment they advise

  4. I like seeing all the different buildings there. The little pond was fun too.

  5. You live in a nice town, I liked seeing what you see.

    1. Lucky I don't live there but about 15 miles away in a village, city life would not suite me

  6. You had quite a walk. It seems nice to have a pond with a waterfall, as business parks are a bit ugly without landscaping.

    1. It was interesting as I had never been there before


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