
Tuesday 22 March 2022

Random Photos


This week I'm showing a few random photos I have taken lately

While passing a house just outside Wallingford I spotted this Bottle Tree

A bit further on I passed this new residential care home, last year it was an empty field

I walked passed the new gravel pit, this has now extended to near the old far buildings

This excavator has a long reach

Later that day I was at the local garden centre where they have extended it with new buildings

It's quite pleasure to walk around it, this looks to the new building

A few weeks ago there was a huge crane that could be seen in the village, it lifted this pod in which is part of the Tree House school, there are a few more pods being delivered  yet to be connected, I'll get more photos the.

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column


  1. That was a nice little tour around town. I like that pod building.

  2. I have never heard of Tree House Schools, so had to look it up. There is one here hereby also. That's the biggest bottle tree I have ever seen. Looks a bit like a pineapple. Nice little tour in photos.

  3. That garden centre is quite an operation.


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