
Monday 28 March 2022

Flowers in the Garden

As it was sunny a lot of last week I though I would go around the garden   for some flowers to show you this week

One of the shrubs that are budding in January the Magnolia, this one puts on a beautiful display

This one on the other had is always a little behind but none the less beautiful

Grape Hyacinths

Could not tell you what these are I just remember planting little bulbs along with the others I put in

I planted Snakes Head Fritillaria which I love seeing
Daffodils and the Lupins are growing as well
Marsh Marigold in the pond

Last of all Tet a tet  daffodils which were a big disappointment to us after looking for them, we never realised they would be so small. They will need digging up to go in a put next year.
If you are wondering the pink plant behind is Rhubarb, I took the forcer off to let it grow naturally 

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column


  1. You should feel very proud of this amazing garden. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. Your garden is looking great. I particularly like the magnolias.

  3. It's lovely to see all the flowers blooming. Such a colorful springtime you have in your garden.

  4. Your garden is looking colourful and pretty. Our tulip magnolia is just showing the pink petals. It's full of buds so soon it'll look a picture. I've seen a few of the ones with the white flowers in our neighbourhood. They seem to flower earlier than the other type. Springtime is a lovely season in the garden.

  5. Hi Bill, These are neat spring photos. Thanks for sharing. John


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