
Monday 7 February 2022

Neary there


Bit more of an update on the Poppy fields development in our village. As we went into February I thought I would take a walk and see how near finished the show home and first houses were.

I came in the back way fro the footpath, this is looking across the green part of the edge of the estate

The footing I saw last time have now got pathways around them

The road that runs around the estate, the first photo was taken over to the right more

Last time I saw this house there was not scaffold around it

These bungalows are not far off being finished and they are all for sale

The show home is the one on the left with the sales off is in the middle I suspect the house on the right may well be a show home as well along with a  bungalow

The first house still has scaffolding around it but it looked nigh on finished. The sales office is down near the main road so I will keep an eye on it, when it's empty I will know they have moved up here. I will look in  in a week or so and see if I can get a few photos then. Take care

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column.


  1. It looks like it's going to be a pretty big development there. Interesting variety of houses too.

  2. Wow you've got quite the building boom going on. It's happening here, too.
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. These developments always look so stark till a few trees and bushes are planted.

  4. There seems to be a lot of new housing estates going up in your area. Doesn't take long for the houses to go up.

    1. I'm hoping it will be the last for a while but you are right they don't take long

  5. The new development looks to be well planned -- I hope it isn't changing the area where you live too much (as far as traffic etc) -- here in our neighborhood in SW Florida, there are three or four new developments going up or just finished. Our street now really needs a traffic light. Growth seems to be the biggest industry here!

    1. Same here though the developers do not take in to account there are no facilities to cope with the influx let alone the road system

  6. The bungalows are appealing.

  7. Nice bungalows, they look perfect for the elderly.


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