
Monday 3 January 2022

12 Months of the Garden


 Happy New Year everyone. At this time of year people seem to be writing reviews or their bogs of last year. I do with The Church Explorer I cannot remember doing one for the Daily Photo but then where would I start as it is posted four times a week. I remembered I always post on Skywatch Friday and the beginning of last year I posted a week of sky taken from my bedroom window which while I took the photo I took one of the garden. I would use the garden one for a desk diary I always make my wife at Christmas. I then proceeded to take a photo of the garden each month for the rest of the year. That's what I am showing this week the garden, seem are from the window others from the patio.

I took two different ones on January, one with no snow and one with the snow that fell. The garden in January is very different to how you will see it in December. See if you can see hat has been going on 

February which is more or less how it looked in January with out the snow

March was taken from the patio, the daffodils are popping out

April and we started doing some work to the garden, it was sunny one day the next it looked like this

May the garden was looking green

June was Sunny hence the parasol 

July looked very green

I nearly forgot August but remembered this shot I took on the patio

September the colour was going out of the garden
All I got for October was the patio, I'd forgotten about the garden

Nearly forgot November as well but it snowed or at least sneezed on the garden

A couple of days later I took the last one in December which was used in our diary. I'll see if I can do this again in 2022. Did you see any difference in the garden as the year went on, there are quite a few changes

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column.


  1. I love this series of photos! Excellent!
    Thank you for sharing at

  2. I didn't realise it snowed so often. Have you taken down the pergola?

    1. No but I did take down the goal posts in the foreground and changed the flowerbed. A tree disappeared as well

  3. I love these photos. Your yard and garden are so beautiful. It is a surprise to see snow there. This is very inspiring. I may have to try doing something like this next January. Thank you!

    1. We do get snow, not as much as we used to but sill snows. Good idea on taking the changing garden through the year

  4. I need to remember to take pictures of my garden areas like that through the year. I really enjoyed yours. - Margy

    1. It's not hard you just need to remember to do it each month

  5. It's amazing the change a little color can make in the same spot! Great images.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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