
Monday 6 December 2021

The Polar Express

 Sometime back during October I noticed something going on in the field near the church, a fenced off area with some wooden construction going on

 Near the end of November I spotted the site looked a bit like a film set.

 Well I had to find out and did that at the local council office were a very nice young lady said it was something to do with the polar Express

Well a few days later things had changed a sleigh and rain deer had appeared

 A day or so later I happened to drive past Wallingford Station and there standing at the platform was the said Polar Express

I missed seeing it a couple of times but heard it in the distance, once I found out the times it was visiting I popped along for a few photos. Here it is being pulled by a diesel engine because it the train was not allowed to run backwards on the heritage railway 

Over the other side there was the geezer in the red suite witing

The train stopped so the kids could see Santa as he waved to them

Then it slowly moved along so all the kids got a chance to see him

The train moving along to the bridge we are stood on

The engine driver looks out of the cab waiting for the signal to move on

Finally they head off back to Wallingford Station and hopefully a lot of happy kids

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column.


  1. Never mind the children I would love to have a trip on that train.

    1. You need to book around July and it sells out quick. I found out the tickets go for between £25 and £35 pound each. I was also told that 25000 tickets were sold. They run three trains a day over the weekend and there was on on Friday evening

  2. Wow! That is such a cool holiday celebration to have seen and photographed. Really wonderful, Bill.

  3. That's so gorgeous!! I can't tell you how much this made me smile! #OurWorldTuesday

  4. How wonderfully cool that is! I'd LOVE to see / ride on an old steam-powered train. I can still hear the sound faintly in my memory.
    Thanks for sharing at

  5. That's a pretty thoughtful setup to make the kids happy. Lovely shots!

  6. A steady little job for Santa - though he should really be hard at work making all the toys with his elves!

  7. What a fun day out! I bet those were some very happy kids on the train :)

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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