
Monday 8 November 2021

Short walk to Poppy Fields


 This was a short walk I took a few weeks ago to the Poppy fields housing development to see how it was progressing. I was hoping there would be at least a completed house to look at as the work had been going on since the beginning of the year. 

I walked on down the road and turned up into the lane where the estate was being built. I passed a paddock and through the gate spotted this handsome fellow watching me  

As you look at the photos you might want to refresh yourself with how it looked the last  time I came along by the estate back in August. This was not here back then

and looking through the contractor entrance you could see there was quite a lot going on

Window frames stacked up awaiting fitting to the houses

Excavators parked up for the weekend, in the background the new houses being built

Bit further along and a shot showing the site

Big pile of rubble here which look like used bricks and blocks for recycling though I would not put it past them burying them around so when you did what garden you have you come across them

This is clearly new and not here last time. I am glad to see they constructed a proper path for the residents 

This part skirts around the estate and has been landscaped over to the right, I expect trees to be planted as well 

The footing have been laid 

then built to damp-course level

I took a photo of this house last time when it was at damp-course level and they were laying the floor , since then it has moved on with the walls being built

To the right you can see where the road runs though the estate

Further along the houses which are having roof trusses fitted

I finished here at the entrance to the estate where you can see a house where the rood times will be going on soon.
I will return in a month or so to see how it is progressing then.
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column.


  1. That looks like a shire horse but I'm probably wrong. It always amazes me how quickly they construct houses.

    1. I', no sure either but it looks a little short for a shire

  2. There's definitely a lot going on there.

  3. These photos are amazing, but I'm completely stunned by the size of the feet on that horse!
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. The horse seems curious about you.

  5. Such a gorgeous horse! It's amazing how a plot of land can change so drastically over a short period of time.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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