
Monday 22 November 2021

Poppy Fields Update


 This is a quick update on the new housing estate called Poppy Fields in our village, I was interested to see how the houses were progressing

This was taken a few days previous , it's an old Elderberry tree or bush more a weed that anything because the birds eat the berries and spread them. This one had been blown over and had been chine sawed up to clear it out of the way

You can see why it fell over it was rotten

So on to the estate where I found the place a hive of activity, last time I walked past they had only laid the concrete, now the block work was waiting for laying

Last time I saw these excavators they were parked up for the weekend now they were all working with more doing similar out of sight

This covering may well be the damp course waiting of the concrete to be poured, but then it could be just coving it from the frost we had last night

Last the entrance to the estate where they are well on the way to finishing the houses. On the way home I stopped off a the sales office and asked when the first houses were due to be opened as show homes. I was told January  2022 so I'll post my next update then.
Then place it over the clematis you are growing. I still have to put  top on this yet and make a birdhouse to go on the top. I'll post a photo when I have made it.
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday, Imag-in-ing and Through my Lens you can find all the links in the right hand column.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing at Interesting series!

  2. They are coming along nicely. I wonder if they will have decent sized gardens or just postage stamp size.

    1. I fear it will be the latter, very few new places have large gardens now

  3. Once they make a start these developments grow very rapidly. It'll soon look a lot different.

  4. It will be interesting to see what this little neighborhood looks like when it's finished.


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