
Monday 13 September 2021

Memorable Walk


 It was quiet a memorable day for me so I thought I would go for a walk and my wife came with me on this little jaunt

One of the first things I noticed was this tractor and seed-drill parked up

The gulls were out in the field gorging themselves


On the other side I spotted this guy who I thought was the driver of the tractor but I think he was meta detecting


Really could not believe my luck seeing this steam train on the track

Looking back towards where I had come from

This field had been harvested

The way we had come, you can just see the church by the tree

And the way home through the Bullshole Tunnel, that's my wife nearly through

 Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone



  1. How lucky to see a steam train.

  2. You found a bunch of great things to take pictures of on your walk. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your walk.

  3. A fine series of photos! I'd love to see - and ride on - a steam-powered train. Something truly special about them.
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. Nice walk there and lovely to see that steam train. Perfect timing!

  5. I was surprised how many fields have been prepared for next year's crop when I was out walking the other day. I spent a lot of time on Saturday attempting to see a steam train which was due to pass through my local station - and failed. Maybe it was diverted via Oxfordshire!

    1. I had noticed they had been harvested but like you did not realise they had been sown again

  6. Hi Bill, Interesting shots around the field but the star in this post is the steam train. Wow ... great! Thanks for sharing and have a great day. John


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