
Thursday 29 July 2021

Those Magnificent Men


We all know the song Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines from the film of the same name and also the Cartoon Wacky Races Watching a Tiger Moth flying around the other day put me in mind of it and thinking of Sky Watch I popped indoors and got my camera and telephoto lens. The plane was flying somewhere the other side of the village so quite far away but you could easily watch their aerobatics and I managed to get a few shots for you. I have cropped the photos a little to show the plane a little clearer

After spotting the plane flying somewhere over near the river I went off and got my camera and zoom lens

The guy had been throwing the plane around a bit but it did not come that much nearer to where I was

Went over in a bit of an inverted loop

Then started climbing for a loop

Upside down

Defying the ground

Around he comes

Turns away

Off back he goes
Happy Skywatch


  1. Beautiful shots, and glad you grabbed your telephoto lens. I don't think my motion sickness could take such a flight!

    1. Most likely would. I went up in one a few years back and I nearly threw up in it even though I took the controls

  2. Great photos! What a wild sight that must have been.

  3. I love those old planes. They are so basic. There is fly in close to Tulsa in August every year that I try and get to. I love seeing them coming in to land and then later they take off, and in between they let the curious get as close as we like.

  4. There's a biplane that does tourist flights. I should try it someday.

  5. My stomach is churning just looking at the photos.

  6. Greetings and Salutations! My favorite thing as a passenger coming home to O'Hare in a bigger airplane to tilt this way and tilt that way. Exciting! Upside down may be another story. LOL!

  7. Nice shots, I'd be getting my camera out for that too.

  8. There's a stunt-man who lives near here and does those kind of manoeuvres out of a local airfield - makes me feel ill just watching him. You've captured some great shots.

  9. How awesome to see this old airplane! You took some great photos! It wouldn't be my cup of tea...but it's neat to watch!


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