
Monday 1 March 2021

Deer Crossing


 A couple of months back I had to go to a nearby village to drop off package at a UPS pick up point. On the way back I spotted a deer looking to cross the road. After stopping and noticing it was going to cross I fumbled for my camera but by the time I got the thing the deer had crossed the road and were lost in the woods again. After carefully driving past where the deer had come out in case there were more I carried on my way realising that my dash cam had recorded the whole thing. When I got home I downloaded the clip and managed to save a few of the stills from the video. There are ten photos in this sequence and all have been cropped to show the deer.

At this point I noticed  deer poking it's head out of the roadside. you can just make it out on the left by the bend

It noses out a little further and I slow right to to see what it will do

At this point it turns to go back in the wood

I am fully stopped here and see the deer has gone but I wait a little longer to watch what happens, you can never be too sure with deer

Then I see it looking out again

This time there are a few more along with him

Then the whole herd wander out on the road

and trot across followed by a couple of stragglers

Then another comes bouncing along

and as I am about to pull away a last one darts across the road. That was it all over in a couple of seconds. What a beautiful sight. 


Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone.



  1. Well spotted!It took me a while to see it!

  2. How funny. The same happened to me a couple of weeks ago. It was all over in seconds . Lucky for you that you recorded the event.

    1. Few years ago I would not have had a dash cam

  3. Love to see the deer ~ great post, photos and video ~

    Happy Week to you,

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Replies
    1. It was indeed, knew it would be useful sometime

  5. How wonderful to see that many deer there crossing the road.

  6. Amazing!What an experience😊Beautiful animals They felt safe❤

  7. Not sure they felt that safe, they were soon gone

  8. A nice sighting! Your patience paid off.
    Thanks for sharing at

    1. More self preservation than patience, I would not want to hit one if it ran in front of you. It would not only hurt or kill the animal but do untold damage to your car

  9. yes I finally see them in the earlier photos, took me a bit though

    1. I had to look to find the first ones as well

  10. I would see deer everyday when I worked at a state park. Miss that much. Lots of thawing snow in your neighborhood.

    1. Yes you would after working in a place like that

  11. What a fabulous moment! I'm glad you had your dash cam to share photos with us.

    I'm glad to see you this week at 'My Corner of the World'!


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