
Monday 21 December 2020

Sunday Walk


There are a number of things going on around the village at the moment various trails for kids to follow during the holidays, (I will feature the walks in another blog) for now I will show some of the places I have written about or am going to blog about on Our World Tuesday

 I will start at the Station which opened in 1892 having been moved from the original place about a mile back up the line. Most usual thing about this photo is it is the first time I have seen no cars in the carpark  
The next few photos were taken a couple of days previous when I walked around the village. The is the entrance to what was Fair Mile Hospital my parents worked there for most of their life. I have written a series of blogs on the place.

The old farm entrance to Fair Mile, when the place first opened they kept livestock and a dairy herd and were nearly self sufficient, the original farm buildings left were restored being used for homes and small businesses one of them is a coffee shop

The set of houses here were built on a property that once had a bungalow on it. I did show it a while ago now the houses are nearly ready for occupation 

I will end with this picture of the old Phone box where in the past youngsters would be phone their sweethearts and girlfriends now a mobile phone does the same. Th box has deteriorated and is in need of some TLC. The other one at the ether side of the village is now used for a defibrillator but the future of this one is unknown to me. I just home it is restored and put to a good use it would be sad to see it go. That it for Our World Tuesday from me this year hopefully I will be back in the new year with more for you to see. Do have a merry Christmas  and lets hope next year brings us all better times.

Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column Take care everyone



  1. Beautiful and charming photos. I always enjoy my walks best when the streets are quiet. You are so lucky! Have a grand week!

    1. Not sure about the lucky bit but at least pleased it is quiet

  2. Thank you for your kind words. It is sad to see everywhere so empty. All we can hope for is to keep safe until we can be vaccinated.

    1. Hope you have a good Christmas and lets hope we do get the vaccination. Take care

  3. Lovely photos and nice places to walk there. Now I'm curious about what kind of work your parents did at the hospital.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family, Bill. May you all stay safe and healthy there.

  4. Love that old phone box. We had them here too, I remember pushing the phone handle down in such a way that you could use it to make free phone calls. Have a good Christmas and stay safe.

  5. I enjoy these virtual tours. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  6. Thanks for the walkabout! I enjoyed the story and the photos. I hope the phone box enjoys a meaningful future!

  7. The old English phone boxes were so distinctive - here in the States they were rather blah. It would be nice to be able to give this one some TLC and a new purpose in life!
    Thanks for linking up at

  8. Lovely to take a wander with you - car parks empty now there's a thing! I hope they put the phone box to good use too - maybe a mini library?!
    Merry Christmas Billy!

  9. Thank you for sharing your walk!

  10. Thanks so much for taking us along on your walk! These are some really great old buildings.

    So glad you joined us at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Merry Christmas!


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