
Monday 2 November 2020

A Morris Minor


 Now if you come from the UK and your around my age or even younger you will know what a Morris Minor is, most of us will know it looking like this beautiful example which was at a local classic car run The Morris Minor was built between 1949 and 1972 at Cowley in Oxford


You might even remember the traveller with it's wooden parts on the rear quarter. District nurses used both types. I have even see modified versions of both cars

A few weeks ago I spotted a very different version I never knew existed

My first reaction was it was an Austin Seven

Right colour Green

Missing a front seat

Even has an AA badge on the grill
It was outside my old school which is now a community centre / home
The badge on the bonnet (Hood) tells all Morris Minor above is the temperature gauge. The car was built somewhere between 1928 & 1932 . I think it had broken down because when I came back a guy was tinkering with it under the bonnet. Nice looking car.
 Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World  Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column
Take Care Everyone


  1. The Morris Minor is a car I remember well.

  2. I love seeing old cars like this. Beautiful photos.

  3. I've never seen the old model either. I remember my old maths teacher buying one when it was announced they were being phased out of production. He'd had one for years and reckoned the new car would last him for the rest of his days.

    1. I remember the district nurses driving them and I always liked them but my real love was the Mini. I now drive a Suzuki Swift which does me

  4. I love checking out classic cars! These are great photos - thanks for sharing at

  5. It was great seeing photos of these classic UK cars. My husband enjoyed them as well and told me he had a Hillman Minx many years ago when in high school. He added that it had many "issues."

    1. I remember them, I learned to drive in one (driving instructor), did not find it easy and never really liked them. Least my Dad had had an Austin 1100 which I found much easier

  6. Beautiful cars!

    There's a Morris here; I photographed it a couple of years back, but haven't seen it since.

    1. I think they were bought in a lot of countries

  7. LOVE classic cars so much nicer than the ones today.

  8. That's my car ha ha. It's a 1933 Morris Minor.

    1. Nice car, I did think it had broken down because I'm sure I passed it with the bonnet up. I hope you sorted out the inside as the passenger seat was missing


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