
Monday 17 August 2020

Last Tuseday

In the last Our World Tuseday post I showed the temperature it got up to on my patio 41.2deg C was the hottest I had seen it. I did not hing it could get much hotter than that but I was wrong. The next day on Tuesday it got hotter still.

 As the day went on the temp seem to go up and got to 41.4deg at 2.58pm (the clock runs and hour fast) then at 3.04pm it went up a deg to 41.5, dam that is hot

 At 3.23 it peeked at 41.6deg C 106.8 deg F. When I was a kid I though 80deg F was hot but this is ridiculous. I had to wonder how much longer we would have to put up with the hot weather

 The weather outside (yes I did venture out quickly) was beautiful with a few fluffy clouds
Just a pity they did not bring down the temp. That is not the end of the saga no and on Friday I will show what happend that day.
Taking part in Our World Tuseday.


  1. Thank you for joining us this week at

  2. Right there with you, Bill. We've "only" got up to 38/100 yet here on the North Coast of the Pacific, but we've done that several times in the past few years, where it used to be Page 1 news if it ever happened in the past. Our previous normal summers topped out in the 80s, with occasional intolerable jaunts into the 90s.

    41.6 in Oxfordshire. Just incredible.

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

    1. Think you might be cooler on the coast, I can only say our patio is a suntrap

  3. Those temps are way too high. We're having a major heatwave like that here in California. Well, not here on the north coast, but the rest of the state is roasting. Looking forward to your Friday post!

  4. ouch! that is way too hot! I think the highest it gets here on the odd day in Summer is around 30 deg celsius.

  5. That must have been the same day I had to move the car. The temperature gauge read 43C. Needless to say I couldn't move the car because the steering wheel was too hot to handle.

    1. I remember having vinyl seats in the car, now that would have been unpleasant getting into them.

  6. Where I live, in the Pacific Northwest United States, the weather is generally mild. So when the weather reaches 99 degrees F., we feel like we're dying! That happened several days ago. Luckily, we're back to a more reasonable temperature today. I hope you are, too.


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