
Monday 31 August 2020

Cookley Green

I forgot all about this place and the few photos I took around it. The village is not that far from Henley on Thames and at the time I went to visit a church not far away. One the way back I stopped off to get a few photos of the place.

This first thing you notice on the green is the War Memorial
It is quite prominent

Around the base are the names of those lost in the First World War
at the base is another plaque showing two names, the second J.H.Barnett is buried in the Churchyard of St Botoph Swyncombe, what is even sadder is that he was killed when the plane he was in crashed not far from here.
Left looking across the green

Right The road here on the left takes you
Swyncombe Church

The sign pointing to Swyncombe church

The road the other way going to Pishill
Stitch them together and the junction looks like this

Stepping back further and you see the whole junction.

Left the green on the other side of the road from my car
And looking over the main road to the man green I was on.
Taking Part in My Little Corner of the World Our World Tuesday and Imag-in-ing, you can find all the links in the right hand column
Take Care Everyone


  1. an interesting way you photographed this place with the monument!
    Greetings Elke

  2. You have an interesting perspective on things.

    1. Thanks though you worry me if the photo's are Ok

  3. Looks like a really nice place to be remembered.

  4. A nice remembrance.
    Thank you for sharing at

  5. I do that, too--take photos and forget them until I'm looking for something else!
    What a lovely little place to stop. It seems like every little town here in NZ has a memorial of some sort. I like that.

    I'm so excited to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for linking.


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