
Thursday 13 August 2020

A Week Ago

I was going to post a few more shots of where I was last week showing the sky but  last Friday it was hot so I thought I'd start an new story line. I managed to take a few photos later in the day

So at 2:35 in the afternoon the temperature on the patio was 41.2deg C as you can Imagen that is dam hot, so hot it burned my bare feet when I walked out there 

I was not the only person who was mad person out in all this because I heard these two para-gliders flying over so took a photo
As the day ended and cooled down we had a nice sunset

and a few sun-rays to get a photo of as well.
That's not the end of the story and if you come back on Tuesday I will show you how it was when it got Hotter than this day
Happy Skywatch


  1. Hello,

    Pretty sky collection, the last shot with the sun's rays is beautiful. Take care, hope your day is great!

  2. Beautiful crepuscular rays at sunset. Really lovely.
    That's crazy hot weather you're having there. Yikes!

  3. Beautiful sky shots. I like the paraglider captures. We're getting ready for extremely hot weather this weekend.

  4. Mad dogs and Englishmen...

    But 41 degrees is ridiculous. I used to get those paragliders when I lived at the beach. Looks like fun, as long as there's no wind at all.

    Great shots!

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timer Hermit

  5. Gracious, yes, that's hot. I see it will be 97 (36.1 C) here in the next few days. In August and September I have to choose the heat or hurricanes (our two choices). I bet you know what I choose.

  6. I know that feeling of too hot for bare feet. Not fun! Nice photographs posted of the skies.

  7. It's been so hot here in NH as well last week and I have heard that this heat wave has extended to many places. I never walk outside in bare feet and now there's more reasons NOT to do to. I hope the paragliders had some cooler temps aloft.


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