
Monday 8 June 2020

New Life

We are gradually starting to come out of lock down though we still feel unsure leaving the house unless we have to. The garden is still a place that uplifts our spirits and every morning I go out to see how it is grown during the night.

  In the morning I get up and fill the kettle with water to make tea and look out the window, on the sill are some sweet peas that fill the air with scent and bring joy to the morning

They grow by the back door  and when they are about to flower the get cut to fill the jar to bring more scent to the kitchen
 The vegetables are growing with the peas and beans starting to get bigger, the potatoes grow on out of sight

 In the raised beds the leeks have been planted and are starting to establish themselves, the bean seeds I planted are now sprouting

With new growth now coming out of the ground, there is still hope I will get a crop if a little later than I would have liked.
 The the greenhouse the salad leaf's are about spent and are starting to go to seed
 Beside the trough seed show new growth of the next crop of salad leafs
 The tomatoes cucumbers and carrots are now well established and get taller every day
and now I noticed the first truss on the tomatoes is showing fruit, will not be long before they get picked
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. I am enjoying watching your garden grow and flourish!
    Thanks for sharing at

  2. Your garden is so beautiful and productive. We have little tomatoes here too, and some small zucchinis on their way to being big enough for picking soon. We go out once or twice a week to the local food co-op. Everyone wears a mask there. The cashiers are behind plastic shields. We feel pretty safe, but think we'll be wearing masks for quite some time.

    1. Think mine will be a while yet. Quite a few people wear masks here and like you over there the cashiers are behind screens. I feel masks will be around for a while yet as well as it makes people feel a little safer

  3. Fabulous garden! Agreed - I still don't want to be meeting people at the moment.

    1. You are not the only one,many people are like that

  4. Iam amzed of Your garden!Wow such wonderful plants!you must have green fingers :)))

    We also opens up but we are very careful cause the virus is not gone
    We had alot of demonstrations lately but all of them had to go to selfcarantene for ten days without any moneyThink it was not good to demonstrate in a middle of a pandemic

    Wish you and Family all good and take care !

    1. I don't think I have, I always say my wife has the skill I feel mine is more luck. Hopefully the demonstrations as easing off now

  5. Hello Billy!
    I am delighted with your garden. Vegetables grow great.
    I love sweet pea but it doesn't bloom yet.
    I limit visits to the store, but I always wear a mask and disposable gloves, I have a disinfectant liquid in my purse.
    I disinfect the car door handle and only get on.
    Hugs and greetings.

    1. I don't go as far as you do but then I do not go out that much.

  6. We are still staying close tp home. You have a nice garden, lots of yummy veg to come!

    1. I hpe we have some otherwise it will all have been in vane

  7. Yes, Billy, I agree that even though lockdown restrictions are easing up there is still the need for caution. While I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible, there are still places I will not venture into for awhile. You have a beautiful home garden.

    1. Not sure I'll be going in shops just yet even though they are opening next week

  8. oh sweet peas have the most awesome smell and its amazing how many veges you can grow in pots.

    1. Yes you get hit by the smell when going to the sink


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