
Monday 11 May 2020

The Eighth Week

Well we are now into our eighth week of lock down and though the government is starting to ease things a bit I feel  we should not change things just yet so I will be staying at home for now. My garden seems to change daily and I am always presently surprised to see how things change overnight.

Couple of days later I spotted this beautiful purple Clemitas in flower

At the bottom of the garden the yellow tulips my wife loves were in bloom, the aliums I planted were now starting to come out

The tomatoes were growing nicely

And the carrots were really coming on

The alium's were almost fully in bloom
I think this is a choisya ternata on of two we have
A purple pirmula grows under another shrub
A couple of days ago the Aluims are nearly in full bloom now
Yesterday they looked amazing
I will leave you with this photo of a place I have not show before, what I called the side patio, in reality it should be called the kitchen patio because this is what you look out on. It is where you can find us in the morning having a cup of tea or in the evening when the sun is going down.
One last thing I notice blogger has how you write your blog with a few new features. I like the idea of adding a table but not keen on a few other things and uploading a photo from Google photo's is very slow, another this is I do not seem to be able to do the layout like I used to with a photo one side and words opposit. I much prefer the old system, they could have just add the features to that
Stay Safe everyone
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday
My Little corner of the world.


  1. Hello Bill. I've come over to visit as I saw that you have other blogs other than The Church Explorer. Your garden areas are lovely and it's good to see your courtyard area. It looks like a lovely, quiet place to sit out. Hopefully we will have more sunshine to enjoy in the coming days. Your alliums are beautiful. Up here in the north ours are just in bud. Your carrots and tomatoes are coming on nicely. Regards to you and your wife. I haven't transferred to new Blogger as I like to stay in familiar technical territory! Wishing you a good week ahead.

    1. Thank you, I just switched back to classic blogger and found that was the problem. Mind you I may play around with the new blogger. There are some interesting features on it.

  2. You have some very lovely flowers. The clematis is just gorgeous!! Thank you! Have a grand week!


  3. You and your wife live there very beautiful!
    My Alliums is not yet off the ground ... I think I planted it too late.
    The Netherlands is partly out of the lockdown, we can go to the hairdresser and, start with 1 June to the terrace drink a beer! Cheers! :))

    1. One of them is a little late and the other giant one is behind

  4. I love seeing the flowers blooming there. You remind me that we should probably plant some clematis next year. So beautiful. Your side patio looks like a lovely place for tea and a sunset.

    1. We intend to plant another couple this year when we get to a garden centre

  5. A lovely garden! It's snowing here, so it will be a while before we can plant.

    1. Wow, it's nearly half way through the year now, thought the snow would have gone by now

  6. Hello, your garden is lovely. You have a nice view of your plants and flowers. Some of my favorites are the Clematis and the Allium. I love the pretty purple colors.
    Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  7. What a beautiful garden. The plants seem to be doing well. It's nice that you can observe the little changes from day to day.
    I don't blame you for staying in especially if you are not comfortable. We have a 5km limit from our house which is better than the 2km the previous limit was.
    Enjoy the new week!

    1. I could go further than 5k on a walk if I wanted just I have not bothered, does not feel right

  8. While we were walking we said Nature doesn't know what's happening with the virus, she just keeps on keeping on. For us we are moving into spring to that helps brighten our mood. - Margy

  9. You have a beautiful garden. Glad you have source of joy during this lockdown.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  10. Looks like you got a good garden coming along, I like the choisya, those are pretty tough down here.

    1. That is the smaller one, the other not in the photo is around 1.5 meters tall

  11. That looks like our outside space that we call patio/yard/sitting space. It looks like a sun trap like ours too.

    1. It is a sun trap, we do not sit there during the day because it can very hot and at times it has been over 40c too hot for me

  12. Your garden looks very pretty and inviting. The kitchen patio looks like the perfect spot for a cup of tea! Have a great day.

    1. It is when it is cool, when it gets hot it is not where you want to be

  13. I'm going to continue being careful. Let the reckless ones get sick if they insist. I feel sorry for the medical staff though.

    I haven't tried the new Blogger. I like the old one.

  14. I am with you are staying close to home and safe, no matter how many places are reopening even here this week and next. It's not that we don't enjoy going out, but we prefer to be safe and now there is always that risk of not being so. You have such a wonderful place to sit and enjoy coffee and after dinner chats, Billy.


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