
Monday 18 May 2020

Patio Roseshow

Around this time of the year the roses start coming out in bloom and in a week or two my wife & I would be heading to Mottisfont to see the roses, if you time it right you will be treated to a stunning show of roses. This year I doubt we will get the chance to see the roses because the place which is owned by the National Trust is closed and by the time it is open again the show will be over. In the last few days my wife & I have been trated to our own show as the roses come into bloom. I will show you some of the roses that we have in flower, the only thing you will miss is the smell which is heavenly.

The first rose you see when coming out the door is Gentle Hermione the smell is gorgeous 

They look beautiful
 Looking down the patio past the rose you see more in bloom
pass this rose next which we have no name for but we call Sheila's Secrete and it smell divine, the table and chairs we sit on is in between this rose and the last
Between two standard roses in this one which we are waiting to flower and is called Lady Emma Hamilton, it is another beautiful smelling rose
it is straddled between two of these standard roses called Grace which also have a wonderful smell
Next week I will show you the roses in the garden, you may even see Lady Emma Hamilton in flower this time.


  1. What a beautiful collection of roses! I can imagine the perfume that fills the air.

    1. I need to be up close for the smell and sometimes the wind takes it away

  2. Your roses are so pretty and I love the terracotta pots embossed with roses that you have them planted in. I was actually looking on-line at DA roses last night dreaming about all the beauties. A lot are sold out though until next year it looks like. Putting them in pots is a wonderful idea and you can move them around to get the best sunlight. Have a wonderful day, thank you for sharing your pretty flowers.

  3. Your roses are beautiful. You and your wife can enjoy the rose season as you sit in that corner of your yard. The first rose is open in our garden and it's a thrill when this happens each year at this time. I hope you get to Mottisfont when it opens. Even if you don't see roses it'll be a good visit.

    1. Not sure we will this year because of what is happening but have been on a few occasions

  4. Blooming beautiful! So much beauty for the eye, and my imagination was able to supply the scent. Never mind Billy Blue Eyes, well done Billy Green Fingers!

    1. No doubt you have some nice roses as well in your garden. My wife is the one with Green Fingers, mine tend to be dirty from the planting

  5. They are so beautiful roses ...
    Thank you for sharing the name of the roses too!
    I will try to find these beauties in the Netherlands!

    1. You should be able to we get your tulips, mind you I think the roses might be a bit short in the garden centres at the moment

  6. Beautiful Place to relax!I love roses the smell is Divine from all of them.I used to have a English rose at my balcony I think may be I should get some roses this year :)Thank you for the tip ..It looks very beautiful where you are ..You are very Lucky to have this paradise and enjoy a cup of tea :))

    1. You would do no wrong in having a couple of roses in pots on your balcony especially if they smell as nice as the ones we have

  7. Your roses are so beautiful and very inspiring. I should go out and photograph the flowers here. Maybe when the sun comes out!

  8. Gorgeous roses!
    Thanks so much for sharing at

  9. What beautiful roses you have. I'm in California and my roses have pretty much bloomed out. Although I have a few shrubs that still have blooms.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  10. I bet they smell divine though!

  11. How nice! My rose bush looks like it may be dead.


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