
Thursday 14 May 2020

Bird in a Tree

A couple of doors down in this huge fir tree, first thing in the morning you can hear birds singing in it
 A couple of days ago we heard this beautiful bird song and on the top of the tree was this bird
 My wife said it was a Wren but at the top of the tree you could hardly see it so I had to zoom in on my compact camera to get a photo of it
 It sang it's little heart out
 Then a thug of a magpie dropped down and the little bird flew off to another tree
 Butt then a few moments later it was back on another lower branch singing away
 It song filled the air with beautiful bird song
 Stopping every now and then to look around
 Then singing again
 It was suck a cute little bird
A little later a ring necked dove sat on top watching what was going on.
Happy Skywatch 


  1. Love seeing the birds there, even the magpie. That wren song must have been so beautiful. We hear a marsh wren sometimes, such a lovely song.

  2. ...and the sky couldn't be any bluer!

  3. You really did a nice job capturing the little wren singing it's heart out!

  4. Me too was posting about birds singing this week in Skywatch Friday. Your pics are way better than mine. Have you find your next camera yet? Or are you still saving?

    1. I would not say that, I was just using a Canon SX740 on full zoom so got a little blurry. Not saving more like waiting to see what happens in the next couple of months with new cameras

  5. Pretty blue sky and beautiful bird captures! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Beautiful blue sky and a cute songbird.

  7. We had an odd bird visit us this week. I'll post his picture tomorrow. No one is quite sure what it is.

  8. There is a lot of activity in that tree! Wrens have such a wonderful voice. I love listening to them.

    1. Yours are a little different to ours but no doubt you have heard the ones here

  9. Your camera has a great zoom lens and you got some good shots of the birds. It's amazing how they like the top branches of a tree. The wren looks as if it was giving a performance to all who would listen.

  10. Over the weekend, I was sitting outside in the small river park near our mill apt and heard several small birds singing away. It was such a lovely afternoon "concert" on a beautiful day so I can understand how yours must have sounded. Glad the bird returned for an encore 😉


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