
Monday 3 February 2020

Stargazing Night

Last Friday I helped out at a stargazing event at Rutherford Laboratories. This was something very new to me and I was not sure what I had let myself in for. I had been to a briefing and a short chat on what was expected from me though the nice part was that I was in the Atrium at Diamond.
Friday came around and I went to where where I was helping out and took some photos of the events going on before any one arrived.

This table held satellite photos of places that you had to locate

Little bee robots called Beebots which you had to navigate around a course

Cute little fellows don't you think

Another table to get the kids thinking where they could make planetoids and DM particles

This one you made constellations by copying them on a piece of black paper and sticking stars on, you could also make up a story about them

This is the one I looked after where you made a Planisphere

basically you cut out around the shape to make a star map which when you looked up at the night sky helped you pick out constellations and stars. I made one at home and it works

The one here on the left you made up a pin wheel galaxy

So how did it go? well after what I though was a slow star with a few people looking around I wondered with the rain and cloud cover if many would turn up. Well with in a hour the place was heaving with people and if you wondered how I did well I did not know what to do with all the paper so I dumped it under the table and cleared it up at the end.
Taking part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Hello, Sounds like a fun event. The little robots are cute. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  2. Interesting. Looks like you were very busy!

  3. Thank you fro sharing at

  4. That such a cool thing to do. Really good of you to help out there.

  5. I'm impressed with the activities that were prepared for the kids.

  6. No doubt everyone had fun, sounds like a cool experience.

  7. That sounds like an exhausting but fun activity. Well done you for volunteering your time.

    1. Lucky I do not hav eto do it all the time just every so offten

  8. Sounds like a fun activity!

    Happy Tuesday!

  9. I used to have a planisphere at one time. Wonder what happened to it???
    After a career spent doing art and craft activities with kids I know just how exhausting it can be.

    1. Not something I was used to even though I have helped with cub's abd beavers in the past. Most of my help went to appretices I had

  10. I bet everyone enjoyed this event and probably learned something too. I want one of those beebots.

  11. Good for you for helping out the kiddies! Fun activities like these help them explore, learn, and fires up their imaginations.

  12. Very interesting! Thanks for showing!


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