
Thursday 27 February 2020

Skywatch a Year and a Day

The other night I was uploading photo's of a site I use and noticed the day, it was the 22nd February, I thought it would be neat to get some a year later but it was a little late being it was late evening so the next day I went off and took some new photos in the same spot more of less, you will see why.
PS this blog is a little longer than usual

The crocuses grow on the bank at the Pavilion

There are still blooming a year and a day later

 The end of Ferry lane  year ago the Thames flowing past smoothly

You will pass this sign if you walk along the path

Cholsey Marsh

Ferry Lane, used to be called Papist way but they made a ferry years ago and changed the name. My Dad used to use it  but after the war it fell into disuse and stopped operating
Managed to do a stitch of the marsh and Ferry Lane
So a year and a day later this is how it looked

The marsh is not a lot different

The lane has some big puddles in it there have been times I would have been up to my kneed in water here

And this is as near as I can get to the Thames. The signpost you saw is in the floods to the right, the Thames some where past the green outcrops

 A new pano of the marsh
 and one of the sky
I went back today & took this shot of the Thames, it had gone down even further. No doubt it will flood again

With my iPhone, today

The 23rd a few days ago
 Wallingford Bridge on the 20th, the water had gone down

Looking downstream from Wallingford Bridge, if you look over on the left you can see a narrow boat, it slopped it's mooring and is over on the bank, now sure where it is now but the river has gone down and unless they moved it it high & dry
I know someone who visits my blog who has had tea here a few years ago the water was over the top and in the place. If you want to see more photos of the weather then have a look at my other blog called the British Weather 
I have to feel for other parts of the country who are having some awful flooding and there places I travel to Wales where it is not passable because of flooding. That is not to say there are places around here that get like that but at the moment we are OK but there is more rain on the way so who can say what will happen
Happy Skywatch


  1. Very nice photos! The landscape looks similar to ours!
    Best, Julie

    1. A lot of places look similar, I have noticed that when I went away

  2. Fascinating to see how things change in a year. Really pretty countryside and gorgeous skies!

    1. Lucky that part changes little, more than I can say for other parts of the village

  3. The flowers that bloom at your time of year are so encouraging, a nice reminder Spring is here.

    1. Yes along with the rain frost and snow we have as well

  4. Can't believe the Crocuses! We still have 18" of snow!

    1. And don't I wish we had snow as well, dam climate change

  5. … the Crocuses are gorgeous!
    Very nice photos!

  6. Pretty scenes despite the flooding. More rain forecast for the weekend, I'm afraid. It's doing nothing but good here, returning the water-table to where it should be, but the flooding elsewhere is appalling.

    1. Could not agree more, there are places I drive though on my way to Wales that are badly affected

  7. Hello, love the pretty flowers. Nice views of the path/trail, sign and sky! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

  8. I agree with John, very pretty scenes despite the flooding. Nice that you went back a year later for comparison photos.

    1. Only thought of doing it when I came across the date on the photo's

  9. Great comparison photos. I always think I would like to do that too but I usually forget. We are waiting for the next storm to blow in, Jorge. Some parts of the country have a status red alert for severe winds and rain. It will end eventually, I hope. :)

    1. It was not something I did intentionally but it makes an interesting comparison, I might see if I can get some again next year.

  10. I enjoyed these comparison photos of then and now, Billy, and I agree that it was great to see those beautiful blooms at the start compared to some of the flooding afterwards. Sad to hear about so many areas that have been inundated.

    1. We were lucky the water did not come up that much so far this year. There places I go through on the way to Wales that are flooded and people homes and work places flooed out, not to mention the odd landslip over the roads

  11. I enjoyed the comparison photos. The water is looking pretty treacherous still. Flooding can do so much damage.

    1. It is treacherous I can attest to that, I was stupid enough to try swimming it it when I was younger

  12. I love the photos of now, and then. And those flowers will no doubt be blooming in that spot for decades. That makes me very happy.

    1. They have been flowering there for a few years and hopefully years more


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