
Monday 10 February 2020

Anniversary Walk

So what do most people do to celibate a wedding anniversary, go out for a nice meal with wine, go away somewhere for the weekend. We were are a bit different, neither of us like the idea of wasting money going to some over priced restaurant for a meal we would not enjoy. My wife would rather spend the money to cook a nice meal at home (which would feed the whole family for less). Instead we opted to go for a walk along the Ridgeway above where I used to work and bring along a little treat of Cheese scones and Coffee. It was a beautiful morning when we set out and this is what I saw.

On the way towards the A34 end of the ridgeway I took this view over towards the Harwell Campus

The A34 is a road that goes from the M4 Motorway to Southampton and a tunnel takes the Ridgeway under it. On the side is this mural which is now suffering a but from age

After getting back for our Cheese scones an welcome hot coffee I popped off to get a few more photos
Here we look towards the Rutherford part of the Harwell Campus
 This is towards Didcot, notice the tall stack to the right, the blew it up and demolished it on Sunday Morning, No I did not get any photos time, we has a serious storm on with 50-60mph winds.
Next time I get a photo from up here it will be a whole new scene

This building is part of Rutherford and is called
TS2 part of ISIS neurton source

These are the two reactors from the Atomic Energy days Of  Harwell and AERE.
they were called Pluto and Dido 
Last of all Diamond Light Source where I used to work, if you click the link you can see what I did there. We enjoyed our Cheese scones and Coffee and no doubt in the future we will go back up there for another walk
Taking Part if Our World Tuesday


  1. Hello, I would like this walk, a great way to celebrate your anniversary. The views countryside and mural are pretty. The scones sounds yummy. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

  2. Sounds a lovely way to celebrate a special day.

    1. It was and a lot more fun that going out in the evening

  3. Happy Anniversary to you and your wife. Love the way you two celebrated. It's perfect! Wonderful photos.

  4. Nice walk with interesting views - I like that mural in a tunnel

  5. Perfect way to celebrate anything. Something we would do also. Great shots

  6. happy anniversary. I wish more people would enjoy a good walk.

  7. Happy anniversary - we are like you, we usually don't celebrate those occasions either, we do things for each other throughout the year. Btw a coffee and a scone sounds great.

  8. Sign me up for this walk.

    Worth a Thousand Words

    1. Not sure I can but nothing stopping you going on one

  9. Happy Anniversary!

    What a wonderful way to celebrate the occasion!

  10. A lovely way to celebrate your anniversary! You two are an inspiration to me in that you do what you want and buck the trends. Finding what gives us joy and acting on it is a sign of a great good life. Love the photos, too.

    1. I think it is the only way you do not know what is around the corner

  11. It's a beautiful walk. I actually like to travel like this on birthdays or anniversaries. Feels more special 😊

  12. Happy Anniversary to you both and may you enjoy many more.
    Nothing better than freshly baked cheese scones, a simple food which beats much of the over priced platefuls of restaurant food dished up these days!
    Love how you celebrated. Enjoy the whole week, including something sweet with chocolate on St.Valentine's Day! Hoping it remains sunny for your interesting walks.

    Mary -

  13. Beautiful views along the way. Your talk of scones brought back a very pleasant memory. Back in 2000, I took my dad to London. It was his very first and only trip to Europe. One of the things we did was take a bus trip to Stonehenge. I have a great memory of getting ready to board the bus again after touring the site and I stopped to buy a cheddar scone from the ladies working in the gift shop. The bus driver actually said it would be the best scone you ever eat and he was right. That warm scone was sheer perfection. I went back to Stonehenge in 2016 and it had changed completely. Sadly, there were no ladies selling warm scones.

    1. No by then English Heritage had changed things, it would have been done by a catering company not a local, I was not that impressed when I went there

  14. Replies
    1. They are from that place especially on a nice day


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