
Thursday 16 January 2020

Sky at the ford

The other day I was in Bucklebury visiting a church, when I finished I decided to visit the ford just up the road. Now me and Bucklebury Ford have a history because back in the mid 1970's I was a young petrol head running a modified Mini. I into motor sport and was taking part in  night rally called a twelve car rally. My navigator and I were doing well running second on the road when we arrived at this ford. It was running deep at the time when we got to it. The guy in front of us had gone around the long way and went past on the opposite side. My navigator said go so I did keeping the revs up but as we got into the ford a wave came over the bonnet (hood) and the back end of the car started to float sideways. I said to the navigator to open the door so that is what we did and the car sank into the ford and stopped. We got out and I had a mate stood over on the walkway you see who said "It's Deep Bill", My reply is nothing I can print on here but we managed to push it out and restart the car. After that we drove to the halfway stop and retired. Neither of us wanted to drive in a wet clothes and seats. I did do a few more night rallies and have cleared a ford in the mini but this was the first time I had seen this ford since my altercation with in the 1970's. It was also a good place to get some Skywatch photos
My first view of Bucklbury ford since the 1970's
It's reading 2ft 6ins deep which is 18" deeper than when I tried going through.
The road to the ford is just to the left of the sign and is flooded for about a hundred yards. A van came down just after I took the photo and turned around realising he would not get across
Quite sure this is the way I attempted to try and cross the ford
A last look before going back to my car
I looked into the field near the ford and took this photo from the gate, the river is to the left of the tree.
I'll try and pop back again when the ford is lower just to see if it is easy enough to drive through.
Happy Skywatch


  1. That sounds like quite the experience you had there. Beautiful photos the river and ford.

  2. Wow, not a good thing when your car starts to float sideways! But you managed to get some beautiful photos and lovely skies!

    1. No I was worried it would come to rest off the ford in deeper water

  3. Ain't called Minis for nothin', Bill! I guess you were lucky you weren't in a Beetle; mighta floated all the way to London.

    Neat photos and story!

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

    1. Did not help being lowered. Funny always fancied a Beetle

  4. I love that sky … your photos are so beautiful!

  5. Hello, I am glad the car did not float away. The views are pretty. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

  6. With age comes experience - and that was quite an experience!

  7. What a story! You were a young dare devil.

  8. ahhh yes I see what you mean by deep, so did you use the mini at all after that occasion

    1. Yes I did for a couple of years more, the engine was then used in another Mini I built


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