
Thursday 23 January 2020

Monday Morning Walk

Monday and I had a blood pressure check at the local hospital and the day looked wonderful. As the carpark usually gets packed I decided I would walk in and get the bus home while I walked I took a few photos on the way.

 Looking out of the bedroom window a stunning sunrise
 I passed the new estate on East End Farm, just over a year ago there was a farm here
 I looked through the hedge along the road a bit and took this photo of the gravel pit being made in a field. Less than a year ago they grew crops here
 A bit further along I managed to get a shot of the elevators that had been erected, it will not be long before gravel is being extracted and moved over these
 At the end of the road another building is being built for the elderly, this was only a field a short time ago
Not far to go now and I passed by Winterbrook Nursing home, my uncle was in here his room was one of the windows you see on the first floor before he passed away. The place has been closed for a while & I do not know what is happening with it.
That was it a nice bracing walk in the frosty morning and I got there on time then went home on the bus. I get an update on some of the photos I took later this year and post them
Happy Skywatch


  1. Looks like a great walk, and that sunrise is spectacular!

    1. I was lucky I nearly nissed it, I notiiced the clouds from my kitchen window and ran upstares with my iphone.

  2. That's a stunning sky, and you have a nice view from your bedroom. I think I would choose farmland over a gravel pit. Of course, we don't usually get to choose in situations like that. They just happen!

  3. That sunrise shot is brilliant. (No pun intended.)

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

  4. Urban development seems to be going on everywhere. Here in New Zealand the houses seem to pop up almost overnight. I know people have to live somewhere, but I would much rather see farmland than houses.

  5. A very lovely sky!
    And I love the houses too …
    Have a nice weekend!

  6. A very nice sunrise and as much as I too enjoy seeing them the problem is in getting up to do that. It is quite amazing to see how much things may have changed within a short time and that may be true in many neighborhoods.

  7. That's quite a vibrant sky. Maybe someone will buy the old nursing home and turn it into a private residence or a bed and breakfast.


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