
Monday 18 November 2019

More of Henley on Thames

Bit more from my recent trip to Henley,

Walking along New Street you pass the Kenton Theatre it is the fourth-oldest working theatre in the UK and a registered charity. It has had many famous actors walk it's stage

Along a bit further you can see part of the old  Brewery which were the oast houses

Which is now a trendy place to live

Henley Brewery was across the road you can sill see the sign on the wall

Once this would have been a busy yard now it a place to drink
It seems a long way from it's former use

Above the oast house of the old brewery, left the end of New Street by the Thames

And this is Thames side, normally this road is full of traffic, I must have been lucky on this occasion.
You can see Henley bridge in the distance

On the way back I could not help stopping to get a photo of this building which dates back to the 1500's
I also noticed this fire mark on the building

 Nearly back to the carpark and I pass this place

The Bell Street Brewery  which still brews beer

Hope you enjoyed my little walk around.


  1. A very nice walk around there. Thank you for taking us along.

  2. Thanks for taking us on a virtual walk around Henley. Wish I could be there.

  3. Thank you for sharing …
    I will like to visit this place.

  4. Great photos of a lovely town.

  5. Ah, Brakspear's. Haven't heard that name in a while though I must have drunk a few pints of it somewhere in my past. A nice wander around the old part of town.

  6. A lovely area near the Thames. Love to see the old buildings preserved so well.

  7. That's awesome you have so much old history there, I'd love to see a house that dates back to the 1500s

  8. Thanks for the tour, and yes I did enjoy it. Henley looks like a nice place to visit and maybe I will when we take a trip to the U.K.

  9. A good area for a stroll. Terrific shots!


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