
Monday 15 April 2019

Boston Tea Party

You might have gathered that I had been to the US many years ago well just lately I have been trying to sort out some of my photos and came across some I took around Boston.

Now I think this is Faneuil Hall Market Place

Above another view along the market place

One thing we went on was a Harbour trip

getting shown some of the places of interest

I think this was where Griffins Wharf was where the Boston Tea Party was held
and this was on the side of the Independence Wharf building
Anyway we went on this boat for a look around even though it is a replica
We also went along to this place and had a look around the Museum
Coming out to see this ship the USS Constitution

Very impressive considering it is the Oldest floating commissioned warship HMS Victory may be older but is kept in Drydock
Saw this ship there as well USS Cassin Young 
The only downside to was that I only had a quick look around due to I was working at MIT installing equipment for the company I worked for. A couple of days later I flew off to Vancouver and I will show some phots I took there in due course.
 Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Hello, wonderful views and photos from Boston. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead!

  2. Love the ships - I can't imaging managing all the masts and ropes, etc.!
    Thanks for linking up at

  3. A very interesting post. I was there just a couple of years ago and recognise some of those places.

  4. Exploring that ship in the last photo would've been quite interesting had you been inside.

    1. I may have been but the photo's were taken before the digital age.

  5. Nice to see those. Isn't it great when you find photographs that you've forgotten about?

  6. The photos we take on our holidays/vacay bring so much joy in later years.

    Worth a Thousand Words

    1. May be but they were taken on my weekends off Work, I was in Boston to work

  7. The Constitution museum would certainly draw me in. Terrific shots.

  8. Wonderful to see as I have never been there myself.

  9. Hi Bill, My Micro Manager and I are looking at a trip to Boston next fall. I have never been there. Thank you for sharing your photos of Boston. This gives me a good idea of things to check out and put on the must see list. Many thanks! I will now be looking forward to your pics of Vancouver ... now I know a little about that beautiful city! John

    1. We also went ro Cape cod and Salum for a daytrip. I wish I did have the time to have a good look around the place but I was there to work and ended up at Cornell University on that trip.


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