
Monday 12 November 2018

Remembrance Sunday

Over the weekend we had Remembrance Sunday you may have seen the post I published. Cholsey commemorated the centenary of the ending of the First World War like other towns and villages through out the country. They all celebrated in their own way.

 During the week Cholsey Remembers 1914-1918 was fixed to the chains that surrounded the Forty

It was made up poppies knitted by the local people

 Sunday the number 100 was placed near the memorial, each poppy had a name of one of one of the fallen from Cholsey who gave their life. There were over 60 making the number up

 I could not tell you if they were placed in order

 But each poppy had a name

Every man who lost his life was remembered

 The Chestnut tree was decorated with poppies. The tree was probably  one of the last things the men saw of the village when they went off to war

The memorial was decorated with stones which were painted by the village primary school then placed in a box. People were asked to pick one and place around the memorial after the service

People were asked to place a stone in memory of someone they knew from the war

The walnut tree you can see in the distance was also decorated though with less poppies and a black ribbon I found out after that there are 100 poppies here which we given to the the organiser but as they were different to the ones being sold they were used in the display you see. The last post was played by a young girl from the school and added to the occasion. Personally I felt it was fitting remembrance of those men from the village who gave their lives in such a terrible war.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Cholsey did an excellent job of remembering those who died.

  2. Oh did such a loving and creative tribute their veterans ~ Love the knitted poppies and how they displayed them to honor those died ~ thanks ^_^

    Happy Veterans Day
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. The village really did a wonderful job commemorating the day.

  4. Beautiful! I love the knitted poppies.

  5. A lovely commemoration. I particularly love the flowers cascading down the tree. Remembrance Day is a very special day in our country too. Have a wonderful week. I am joining you today from Our World Tuesday.

  6. Such a beautiful way to remember the fallen. Yes, the poppies on the chestnut tree are amazing - that the people there worked so hard, including the little children, to craft all the lovely poppies, is so special.

    Thank you for sharing - we must never forget!

  7. A wonderful display, though I can't help wondering if any of us can really imagine what it was like to be alive (or to die) in those terrible times. I keep thinking of something my grandmother, who lost two brothers in the Great War, said many years ago, "A lot of the men came home and we were glad to see them, but they weren't the same as the men who'd gone away. They tried to hide it of course, but the women knew. The women knew."

  8. That is truly a beautiful commemoration.


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