
Monday 26 November 2018

End of the Barns

Many years ago I took this photo of some old barns outside the village, they had become dilapidated and one had collapsed

Eventually the barn was removed and the others renovated and another built

One of the ones built is out of site over to the right of the photos but the looked better and they were used by some business or other

Then the other week I walked past and they were gone, all of them demolished

All you could see was the demolition machine and lots of tracks

This is looking at the site the other way towards the north the large area that is lighter was were one of the newer barns used to be. It's quite a big site so I assumed that it would be used for new business units but no, I looked up the planning and five blocks of housing is going in here three of them looking like barns. I await to see what the look like and cost.
Taking part in Our World Tuesday


  1. There seems to be a lot of new development in your area.

  2. That's sad to see. I prefer barns to the same five or six designs of new homes over and over again.

  3. Interesting. The price we pay for 'progress'.

  4. Interesting--tear down the barns and build houses to look like barns! I guess there's some kind of logic in there...

  5. Sad to see the old barns go away.

  6. Seems like there is a lot of new housing being built there lately. Loved those old barns.

  7. It will be interesting to see what the new units look like and as you say, what they will cost.


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