
Monday 12 March 2018

Snowy Walk

After the Beast had struck I decided to go for a walk around the village to see how much snow we had. There did not appear to be much around being as most of it was blown about

 Church road going over Bunk Arch

The school kids were on a snow day

Bunk Arch is a bridge that goes over an old branch railway now a preserved line. The locals call it the bunk line hence the name of the bridge
 Last Wordless Wednesday I did showed some snowdrops. They look a little sorry now 

Along with the rest of the churchyard 

Not many people had been up here
 Agatha Christy's grave looked very lonely in the snow

I took some time to go to the Elms bridge

To get a photo of the station which you may be able to make out through the Gantry's. Last time I took one from this place in similar conditions you could see it clearly
 I headed back through some biting cold wind 

Past my old school now a retirement home
then past the village green to home, glad to be out of the cold. Next week I will show what it was like in Wales when I went down after the second winter storm we had
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday 


  1. It looks very picturesque Bill but bitterly cold.

  2. Much the same kind of conditions as we had. That's a very pretty picture of the village green.

  3. Nice! Lucky kids, getting a snow day :) I feel bad for my kids--they never had one! (We usually had one or 2 a winter where I grew up near Seattle, Washington State).

  4. Snów looks lovely but living and driving is not So comfortable

  5. "The Beast From The East" would make an excellent title for an Agatha Christie novel. I hear the cold weather is set to return at the weekend.

  6. I love all the snow photos!

  7. So nice to see the snow there. Beautiful photos.

  8. Agatha Christie's grave! Oh, how I'd like to visit her there. I've loved her books all my life but, what with moving more than once, I'm not sure I could lay hands on them. Off to the local library I must go...when our snow disappears!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  9. Thank you for braving the cold to bring us these beautiful winter scenes. (I always wonder about the poor men who have to dig graves in the winter ... so I am glad you did not see any signs of traffic in the cemetery.)

  10. I can imagine the ice and snow cracking as you walk on the grass, something we don't see here but the sheep on the roads is a regular occurrence here.


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