
Tuesday 20 March 2018

Snow in Wales

After waiting for the snow to clear around Oxfordshire we finally got down to Fforest Fields  a few days later that we hoped we would. The snow was still very much in evidence and only five miles down the road was just about passable though deep snow drifts were still a problem

 This is what the site looked when we got there

By Thursday the sun had come out giving blue Sky's and we were  alone on the campsite

 The lake still had snow on it and ice under that

No I did not trust the ice to venture on but I did notice a dog had run along the lake. The photo on the left was taken not far away the day before

It shows the surrounding hills with show in the slopes
Bit like the hill over looking the campsite

The next day the ice was thawing out a bit

But still looked cold

Left the snow drift on one of the tracks around the campsite

It was deep enough that you would struggle through

The smaller lake was also frozen along with the duck house
But it did make the background look nice

This was looking towards Radnor Forest where the snow was laying still
Snow was still laying around when we left and we thought it was over but the beast returned after so I'll show some photos from that another time.


  1. It is so lovely to see some landscapes that show some cold, to our otherwise "burning" environment. Our Heat Index now is 39-40°C and that is not yet our official Dry Season! Imagine what we will become in April at the height of this heat.

  2. Beautiful mid-Wales. The snow has completely disappeared around here today which is a pity as I would like to have been able to say we'd had snow on the Spring equinox.

    1. Well we still have some around South Oxfordshire and drifts on the Berkshire downs

  3. The lake looks very fifferent with the ice and snow on it. Mist have been bitterly cold walking around but you got some great photos.

    1. It was a bit though worse when the wind got up

  4. I'm still waiting for Putin to admit responsibility and to switch the east wind off!
    Great photos.

  5. Looks very cold for camping! Hope you had a heater. And wise choice to avoid walking on that ice covered pond.

    1. Yep the van has central heating so nice & cozy

  6. Lovely photos of the snow on the hills and ice on the lake. I love Bob's comment about Putin. It must be his fault.

  7. Well it comes from the east so he gets the blame

  8. Beautiful landscapes in the late winter, Bill!

  9. Lovely winter scenes. The lake does look cold but should be thawing pretty soon, you hope. :)

  10. Wonderful snowy scenes & frozen lake!

  11. I have only been in Wales once, and that was for a very short time, but I never imagined it with snow! Thank you for sharing these photos!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


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