
Monday 5 February 2018

Derelict Retail Park

These were taken on one of my visits to my son when he was in Dundee back in 2010. I noticed this chimney stack in the distance so went to investigate one Sunday morning. The place is now called Stack Leisure Park but at the time looked very derelict

 The stack called Cox's Chimney looked like it was from an old mill

 The entrance to the retail park did not look very welcoming 

 The old building nearby looked like it was an office block or apartments now and after looking on Street View they are apartments

The restaurant did not look very inviting either

In fact it looked it it had been closed a while and from what I can see on Street view is boarded up now

and the shops alongside did not look much better though looking on Street view it is all owned by ALDI a supermarket now

especially when you noticed they were boarded up and is now demolished if Street view is anything to go by

This one looked like it was still in use but then it is a Bingo Hall

but the petrol station told you a lot, if the park had been popular the place would have been open since I took the photo it's been demolished
 Admittedly it was around 7:30 in the moring 

I'll leave you with another view of the old building till my next tour of Dundee
Taking part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Even though it was early in the morning, I would have expected to see cars parked or just some kind of life.

  2. What caused this complex to be abandoned back then? Somebody invested a lot of money in developing it.

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

    1. I thiink it was still in use and still is today it just looked rather derelict

  3. Atmospheric images of Scotland

  4. I wonder if they keep all the old images from Streetview - they will one day form a valuable social document. I always feel very old when I see buildings being demolished which I remember being built. A friend tells me it's even worse for him - he designed some of them!

  5. It was a beautiful building in its time!

  6. Until you said 7:30 a.m., I wondered how long ago the place had been abandoned. It seemed like a waste not to create something anew there. I like the name Derelict Retail Park rather than it's actual name.


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