
Tuesday 23 January 2018

Around the Quay

After last week I thought I should show what was around City Quay in Dundee

the rails you see down the centre may well have been from the trains that took waggons to the dock

The uprights from the buildings still have the makers name on them
Even the casting on the top is still there

Above an old Buoy and
left one of the old dock building now converted into apartments

Above the converted building and adjoining warehouses that have been converted into small businesses

Right an old ship anchor

some of the remaining old warehousing

More old railway lines and cobbles from the docks

This old building is derelict and I could not say if it is still there
I will leave you with view of the new and old, the old buildings you can see to the left are apartments now. I'll bring you more photos from around Dundee again
Taking part in our World Tuesday


  1. Quite interesting piece of history, I wonder what the area was used for originally? What products did the trains carry?

  2. Excellent photo tour around the quay!

  3. Some of the older buildings look worth restoring.

  4. Looks like an old lightship tied up to the dock. Any idea what the story is there?

    Great photos!

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

  5. Thanks for the tour, Bill. I always like seeing old buildings converted into other purposes. By the way, I've been on a long hiatus with Take 25 to Hollister. :-)

  6. Enjoyed this set of photos. Lovely reflection. The railway lines embedded into the cobbled roads reminded me of my childhood. I was brought up in Manchester close to Trafford Park, a huge industrial area next to the docks. The lines were everywhere.

  7. Lovely reflections in the water!


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