
Monday 29 January 2018

Around Camperdown Dock

Robin of the Rusty Ring  noticed the lightship in the last photo of my blog of last week so this week I thought I'd show some ships I noticed in and around Dundee harbour.

I spotted this boat sunk at it's moorings in Camperdown Dock. I thought it was a WWII landing craft but I'm afraid I can tell you noting about it

The trawler is called the Discover Rose

Afraid this one is looking a little past it's best

Another boat on the dockside only it looks like it has been recovered from the bottom

This is looking along City Quay

This trawler is out in the Tay estuary
Oil exploration platform

Another view of the trawler in the estuary
The discovery in dry dock

The Unicorn

 The Unicorn from across the City Quay bridge


Its now a museum
I'll leave you with this shot of an Anchor which I think belongs to the North Carr Lightship 


  1. The Discovery and the Unicorn are both striking watercraft!

  2. Thanks, Bill! I love shipping. That lightship reminds me of the old pirate radio ships, Caroline and such.

    And is that "Discovery" related to George Vancouver's old command?? He's huge in our history here on the North Pacific coast. (BC's largest city is just the beginning.)

    Great post!

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

    1. A bit of research reveals that there were eleven ships in the history of the British navy named Discovery. The most famous being those commanded by Capt Vancouver, Capt James Cook and one that was Capt Scott's ship on his first Antarctic expedition. Scott's ship is the one now in Dundee, the city where she was built.

    2. Thanks! I didn't figure it was Vancouver's actual ship (wrong era; this one even has a steam engine), but wondered if it might be part of a "lineage" of Discovery's, as naval vessels often are. Seems it is!

      I'd forgotten that Scott also sailed a Discovery.

      Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

  3. Signed on to follow your blog. Looks good. An active harbour is always interesting. We visited the Discovery several hears ago.

  4. Cool. I like the lightship--interesting to think of that trying to sit out there somewhere and light the way!

  5. Such a variety of craft, some rather more sea-worthy than others. An interesting little tour.

  6. That was fun! I enjoyed seeing all these vessels.

  7. I like seeing all the boats there in various stages of use and decline.

  8. Lightships fascinate me. Quiet a variety os sea vessels in andvaround thevharbour.


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