
Monday 6 March 2017

The Beech Tree

A couple of weeks ago My wife & I wanted to go for a picnic as  we were lat ewe ended up going to a local beauty spot called Wittenham Clumps. We had out walk around then went back to the car for our picnic as it was cold. Nearby I noticed this stone with a commemoration plate on it and a carving of a rose.

It says "Wittenham Clups Carpark was Formally Opened by Mr A.W. Hedges on the 17th May 1971when he was presented with a Rose as a token peppercorn rent by Mr R Seymore Chairman of Berkshire County Council" the ceremony still goes on to this day when it is presented to the Earth Trust who look after the area. In 1974 the boundarys changed and the clumps are now in Oxfordshire

The rose carving

Around the side of the stone is another plaque commorating the planting of a tree

Which has grown well over the years.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. What a lovely post and gorgeous photography of that wonderful tree ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a happy week ~ ^_^

  2. That tree has been productive! The rose carving's a neat sight.

  3. Hi Bill,
    this rose carving is so beautiful. Awesome !
    Best regards, Synnöve

  4. Isn't it great to come across these little snippets of local history. Well spotted!

  5. Thanks for finding and sharing this piece of local history.

  6. it looks like pretty soon the beech tree roots may uproot the old commemorative stone Bill.

    I liked your memory of your dad and the pheasants. I think I would do something similar and count it a day well spent in saving a few pheasants from the guns.


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