
Monday 16 January 2017

A Ridgeway Walk

Carrying on with my series of The Rigdeway path which is one of those ancient paths that was used around 5000 years ago and runs from Overton Hill, near Avebury, to Streatley, then follows footpaths and parts of the ancient Icknield Way through the Chiltern Hills to Ivinghoe Beacon 
Today I will show you some of the path from outside Streatley to Lowbury Hill where I was walking. The main reason for the walk was to get photos for another blog I am writing. There are quite a few photos in today's blog.  In retrospect I should have taken a map with me but felt I knew the area well enough not to get too badly lost

Above my start was here in the carpark along Rectory road. On the right is a view of the field beside the ridgeway

The path here is quite easy going if a little uphill

Looking back to the carpark

Above the first signpost showing a nearby footpath and a footpath in a different direction

If you saw my Skywatch Friday photo of Streatley Warren, well this is looking down from near the top

Another signpost and path, the one to the right will take you to to a Village called Aldworth

This is were I'm going to turn off to Lowbury Hill and as you can see I have to negotiate a large muddy area

bit of a contrast to the path I just walked along

and the way it looks going on

but once your past it the footpath is quite easy to walk on

Near Lowbury hill you rejoin the more substantial path with takes you to the Fair Mile

Lowbury Hill and on the top an Ordnance Survey Triangulation Pillar, the view looks towards Chilton

This one on the edge of the remains of a Roman Temple looks towards the Fair mile 

Going back I took a wrong turn and ended up back on the Ridgeway lower down

Because I don't remember this part

Anyway I followed the path back

till I got to this fork where I had to take the left one which I knew would  get me back to the carpark. 
Hope you enjoyed my little walk this week
Tanking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Intriguing walk with you and lovely photography of the landscape ~ thanks,

    Wishing you Happy Days ahead ~ ^_^

  2. Found it interesting to see a little more of the Ridgeway through your eyes.

  3. It looks like a marvelous place for a ramble through the countryside... and great views!

  4. Beautiful and it remains so bucolic over so many years!

  5. Nice walk and lovely series of shots.

  6. I enjoyed that walk very much. Such beautiful views.

  7. Wonderful scenery to enjoy on such a nice walk.

  8. Hello Bill
    It is a great pleasure to go with you on a walk through the picturesque meadows.
    I admire the magnificent scenery. They are so beautiful.
    Your relationship and the pictures are great.

  9. A beautiful part of the countryside - just the kind of walk I relish and the day was pretty too!

  10. Lovely countryside! I like those wooden path markers too. Thanks for taking us along on your walk.

  11. I loved that walk! Such beautiful countryside you have there.


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