
Monday 15 August 2016

Lancaster Flypast

Reading Felicity at Parsonage Cottage yesterday prompted me into showing these photos of a Lancaster Bomber  doing a flypast over a model exhibition that was happening at a local school

 This Hurricane was restored to flying condition from a few parts  and was a common sight in the sky's round the area, it's now part of the Shuttleworth collection

I went to the show and was waiting like everyone else when the Lancaster fly over from behind us at tree top level causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end

It flew round a few times

Giving us a  wonderful sight

We had our own air show for a few moments

 before it turned an flew off to a show in the next village at the place the Hurricane came from. I have to admire the people who managed to get the crew to detour for this. The Lancaster is part of the Battle of Britain Flight and together with the Hurricane & Spitfire they do fly past on occasion but not like this. One word summed it up Awesome
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Wow you got some great shots there Bill. Always a thrill to see this large aircraft in a fly past.

  2. Fabulous pictures! My people (Canadians) flew a lot of Lancs in the war; night bombing was one of the tasks High Command gave us, and the RCAF specialised in it. I love WWII aviation!

    Rusty Ring: Reflections of an Old-Timey Hermit

  3. That would be a thrill seeing those planes. I have seen a B17 fly here in the states but it would be great to see some of the wonderful British planes like the Lancaster and the Hurricane as well.

  4. Fantastic Bill! Wish I'd been there for this rare treat!

  5. Splendid and thrilling! My Dad was US Army Aircorps in WWII. Our yank bombers flew the day shift. I'm so glad that today was my day to discover your fine blog, my fellow '0ur World Tuesday' participant-

    Warm ALOHA to You,

  6. How fun and exciting! I can almost hear those engines roar.

  7. Oh - wowww!! Very jealous, Bill. Fabulous shots too.

    1. Thought you would appreciate it

    2. There is something so special about these old planes. We are often lucky and have them fly over us on the way to airshows, they never fail to have us racing outside to see them. My daughter teaches at a school right alongside RAF Coningsby, she doesn't share my delight in them! Thank you so much, Bill, for posting the photographs, i have tried with my camera but they always look like mere dots in the sky.


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