
Sunday 3 April 2016

Ridgeway Mural

Saturday I persuaded my wife to take a walk along the Ridgeway near where I work to visit a mural I have wanted to see for a while. The mural is in a tunnel that runs under the A34 which you can see below and not the sort of thing I would expect to see. I first came across it a year or so ago on a website I subscribe to and ever since have want to to visit. The normal thing I would expect to see in a tunnel like this is Tagged Graffiti of the worst kind

The photo below is a stitch photo of the panels an you should get a better idea if you click on it and enlarge it. The stitch is not perfect but will give an idea as to what your seeing. So for the next few weeks I'll post each on of the panels and give the story what I think it shows.


  1. Somebody made nice work of this one.

  2. A bit hidden mural but beautiful painted.

  3. A nice find in an unusual space!

  4. That looks like a very interesting mural. Look forward to hear more about it especially the reason for placing it in an obscure tunnel but then maybe it is best appreciated by the people who walk the Ridgeway.

  5. Wow, I would never expect to see something so beautifully painted inside a tunnel.

  6. That is a lovely mural in a very cool looking tunnel.

  7. This is neat! Really not something you'd expect there.

  8. From the one shot, it would appear a great deal of thought went into the broader work.

  9. I love the shape of the bridge and what a surprise inside. Looking forward to a closer look.

  10. Goody, a mystery to be solved over time. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  11. How interesting! I used to live not far from the Ridegeway and the A34 but I don't know where this tunnel and its mural treasure is.

    1. Depends when you lived there. The A34 was widened on Gore Hill sometime in the 1970's so the tunnel would have gone in then. If you lookat Tuesdays blog it might give you an Idea where about's it is. On the far side of the tunnel you can turn left down to Chilton or right over to East Ilsley & Compton

  12. So interesting and unusual to find in such a place - definitely worth the walk


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